Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bible Journaling Kit (Review and Giveaway)

Bible Journaling is something that has intrigued my Artsy Eldest for awhile now, and in fact one of her favorite Christmas gifts last year was a journaling Bible (Currently on sale! No #aff link for this one). She has enjoyed using her creativity to illustrate passages from Sunday Sermons and the occasional Youth Group study as well. One thing she didn't enjoy was carting her bulky pencil case along (particularly to Youth Group~ she usually settled with just a pencil or two most of the time), so she was excited to learn that we had been chosen to review a Bible Journaling Kit (an Ellie Claire product, a division of Worthy Publishing Group~ provided to my by Propeller Consulting, LLC). 

Almost everything in the kit can be stored in the lovely lime green pouch with an adjustable elastic strap that should fit most Bibles. Items included in the kit are:
  • 1 fine line black journaling pen
  • 8 colored pencil twists
  • 4 sheets of alphabet stickers
  • 4 sheets of word stickers
  • 24 tab stickers
  • 1 ruled page protector mat with tracing lines
Personally, Eldest doesn't use the ruled page protector mat (In part because it is larger than the area of her Bible, so isn't compact enough for her purposes), but I can see how it could be very helpful for different options, including helping to place some of the stickers neatly.

Close up of some of the stickers and tabs for your convenience. ;) 
Eldest really appreciates the ability to slip the pouch over her Bible when heading to church~ no need to carry a bulky bag of any sort, and she has everything that she needs at her fingertips. ;) 

I will mention my only pet peeve with this kit is that I wish that the zipper zipped UP instead of down~ (note the photo on the right in the image above). It would be more pleasing to the eye, while being utilitarian in keeping items inside with partial access. However, that doesn't really affect the usefulness~ simply an aesthetic thing.  We both like the cheerful green and blue design, with one of our favorite verses on the front! 

You can see in the image above some of Eldest's artwork in the top half, and some of my highlighting of verses in the bottom half. Neither of us has made use of the stickers as yet, but it is nice to know that they are available. :) (Mom-bragging moment~ doesn't Eldest's work look amazing? She isn't finished with this particular illustration, but she was so happy that the kit included a brown that worked for her pocket watch color, as none of her other pencils was just right. :)
I think this would make a nice little stocking stuffer for someone who already has a journaling Bible, or as part of a larger gift (with a journaling Bible), don't you agree? ;)

You can purchase this Bible Journaling Kit at Christian Book Distributors, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Books-A-Million
Remember reading about a giveaway when you clicked on the link? Well, you have not ONE but TWO chances to win a Bible Journaling Kit.

Worthy Publishing Group is giving away 5 different kits. You can also download some nice coloring pages (some with devotionals) at their giveaway page, so be sure to go check it out.
And I am able to give away one Kit to one of my readers (regular or new~ I'm just happy you're all here! :D). Please make sure the Rafflecopter has loaded, in order to enter! :)

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.” 
#BibleJournalingKit #FlyBy


  1. I love the idea of a journaling Bible. I would think using colored pencils would work best but have not ever used anything but highlighters before

  2. I love the idea of a journaling Bible. I would think using colored pencils would work best but have not ever used anything but highlighters before

  3. I have wanted to try but don't have the spare money to start. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but right now to me it is.

  4. I just started Journaling so I haven't quite found what works best for me

  5. My favorite mediums to use are colored pencils and gel pens! I got the Inspire coloring Bible and love it!

  6. I think my sister would really appreciate this! Thank you for sharing it!


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