Short and sweet this time around as I didn't get this posted last week,
and I want to get this up while the first Kindle book listed below is still free.
Music: Ginny Owens is a Contemporary Christian Artist (Musician). I was introduced to her when I wrote a review for one her albums back in 2011. She is still writing, singing, and performing music. In fact, I sadly missed the opportunity to hear her live just last night when she was performing with Michael Card.

Just to give you a little taste of her music (note~ please keep in mind as you watch her that she is blind, so she doesn't have typical expression in her eyes, and she tends not to blink, but her voice is wonderfully expressive!):
And here's another~
Here are a few Kindle books that I'd like to share with you.
The first is a childhood classic republished by a fellow FIAR mom's publishing house, Purple House Press. It's being offered free today (eek! only a few more hours) for Kindle.
The other two are a couple of novels that were enjoyable reads. (Click on the photos)
"New Adult" Romance Free at the time of posting |
Civil War Historical Novel Free at the time of posting |
Sweet Reprint by Purple House Press Free at the time of posting (Possibly only 5/18/15) |
Once again, please let me know if you appreciate/enjoy these sorts of posts. :)
The Lynn Austin book is still free! Thanks for the tip!