Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Pencil Grip, Inc. (review and giveaway) Thin Stix Creativity Pack

I have blogged about the The Pencil Grip, Inc. products in the past, reviewing their basic Kwik Stix (set of 12) fast drying paint stix, and their basic Thin Stix (set of 6) paint stix. This time I am happy to have the opportunity to review the Thin Stix Creativity Pack, which includes not only the 12 basic colors, but 6 metallic, and 6 neon paint stix.

In the event that you don't end up clicking through to my previous reviews, let me give you a quick rundown on the Kwik Stix. They are a pretty much mess free, quick drying tempera paint. They come in a tube that is similar to a glue stick (so the same precautions apply, when used by young'ns... don't let them twist the paint too high). They really do dry quickly, so they are PERFECT for co-op and Sunday School classes when you have a limited amount of time for crafty projects. That being said, they are also a lot of fun to use on your own at home.

We were excited to have the thin metallic Kwik Stix to test out, as my youngest is often about all things "precious" ~ he loves to use gold and silver crayons and pencils when he draws. Boy howdy, are these a far cry from those other drawing tools! The paint really is shiny, brilliant metallic! I can imagine that those who have little girls would LOVE to use these for princess regalia~ coloring paper crowns, making shiny bracelets, etc...

One of the first projects we tried with the original Kwik stix were some paper "ornament" cards for Christmas. I thought that we might revisit that idea using the metallics on black paper to dress them up a little...

I really like the shine of the metallics, and I took pictures both in the sunlight and the shadow so you could get a feel for what they look like

We tried a couple of different things~

Free hand drawing

And taping out a star shape

And taping scattered triangles

Then using the tape itself on another "ornament" ...

*Note: the tape is painter's tape that comes off fairly easily, but you have to be fairly careful when removing it from the construction paper.

I also played with them a little to see how they would work for a pointillism project~ This one hasn't been fleshed out totally yet, but here is a look at the dots (slightly larger than a pencil eraser tip, or q-tip, if you've seen pointillism projects using those...):

One more thing I played with, but haven't figured out exactly how I want to incorporate... using colored pencil UNDERNEATH the Kwik Stix. The first pic has a white crayon scribble that doesn't really show up, and then a white pencil scribble that DOES. ;)

The next two pics are just fiddling... I think there could be a cool multi-media project somewhere here...

I should also mention here as in previous reviews that the Kwik Stix paints adhere not only to paper, but also to cardboard, poster board, wood and more. Great for decorating some of those picture frames or boxes that you can pick up at your local craft store.

If you want to give these a try you can pick up this Creativity Pack at your local BJ's, or order them at the link below.

In the meantime, The Pencil Grip has been so kind to offer one of my readers a free set through this giveaway...

Not So Nutty Nitty Gritty 
You can visit The Pencil Grip on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to see what else they have to offer, as well as to get some project ideas. 

Please click the banner below to visit the TOS Homeschool Review Crew and see what others had to say. As always, I hope that this review was useful to you as you choose where best to spend your homeschool budget.
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#hsreviews #KwikStix, #temperapaint, #kidsartsupplies


  1. These look amazing! My youngest would love these! What a great Christmas gift! ❤️

  2. We have these and the kids love them. I would highly recommend them.


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