This month Christian Liberty Press is offering a historical novel (Downloadable e-book)
Lysbeth: A Tale of the Dutch
Teenage and adult readers will be inspired by this historical novel about a Dutch woman who is caught up in the terrors of the Spanish Inquisition during the 1500s. This lively and heart-rending story written by H. Rider Haggard in 1901 continues to remind readers of the value of religious liberty.
Grade: 8th - Adult
Book: 443 pages
Book: 443 pages
Some Nuggets of Gold Kindle Freebies and Deals from Amazon~
(Thank you for shopping through my affiliate links!)
OH, and before I forget~ If you haven't joined The Homeschool Buyers Co-Op yet, you might want to consider it. Joining doesn't cost anything, but can save you a bundle AND open up opportunities for purchases that you wouldn't otherwise even think about. I purchased some LEGO Education kits (Simple Machines) through the HSBC years ago, my boys enjoy(ed) learning with familiar, fun materials (with specialty pieces that regular LEGO kits don't offer). Never would have done it without the deal they offered us through the Co-Op. :)
One of my favorite things that they offer is a summer reading program for all school-age kids. Many of the prizes are donated (New and used/good condition books, gift cards, and downloads), with weekly winners, and a grand prize winner at the end of the summer. Check it out!
Disclaimer~ Amazon affiliate links, and Homeschool Buyer Co-Op referral links were voluntarily used in this post. Thank you for clicking through. Small change does add up. :)
I'll have to check on the Vikings and the Trains!