Every now and again I am given a review item that doesn't actually "match" the ages and/or abilities of any of my children. Such is the case with Wordy Qwerty. However, if I had a child currently in the target age for this program, I would definitely be interested in purchasing it for a supplemental activity, as I feel it is engaging as well as educational.
Wordy Qwerty is offered by Talking Fingers as a spelling and typing fluency program for 2nd and 3rd graders (Or ages 7-9). Although he didn't exactly "fit" the range, I figured that my 5th grader could use practice typing, even if his spelling is already pretty good. So, on with the "Show". :)
The basic set-up~
"Qwerty" (a computer keyboard) and "Midi" (a musical keyboard) are characters who help the student navigate through the lessons on a quest to earn "Spheres" so that Midi can build a musical machine (more on that in a bit).
There are 20 "lessons" that cover 20 basic spelling rules, with 6 activities in each lesson. Every set of 4 lessons completed allows Midi to complete another section of his machine.
This is what the "navigation" screen looks like.
1~ Patterns
2~ Karaoke
After the patterns are discussed, Midi comes up with a "Spelling Rule Jingle" to help cement the idea in the brain. These are some of the more, shall we say.... musical tunes I've heard used for this sort of thing. After the song is sung, there is an option to sing it karaoke-style, which also helps to make it more memorable.
3~ The Recycler
4~ Pop-a-Word
5~ Write a story
6~ Read a Story:
This activity tests reading comprehension by leaving some words blank. When the student gets to a blank, and clicks, a drop-down box appears with word choices.
Here are some of our further thoughts on this program:
- We felt the variety of interesting games and activities helped to keep the interest level fairly high.
- Many of the activities contain "Stories", rather than random sentences, which my Middlest appreciated.
- The musical machines that are being built are pretty cool~
- There is no way (That we have seen) to replay the musical machine sections of the program~ if you missed it, wanted to show it to Dad when he gets home, or littlest wants it played again, there will be some disappointment.
- The CD-rom version is not compatible with the newest MAC OS versions. :( We can use the online version, but sometimes portable is useful.
- I haven't found a way to pause the program, which would be a useful tool.
Now for the nitty-gritty (Which isn't too gritty! :D )
- 5 year online subscription for 1-5 children ranges from $25- $71.25
- CD editions (Not compatible with Windows 7 or MAC OS 10.6 and up) $35
If you scroll down the demo page, there is currently an offer for 20% off your order when you sign up for the Talking Fingers, Inc. newsletter. Pretty nice! :)
As always, I hope that this has been helpful to you as you choose where to spend your homeschool budget. Please visit the TOS Crew Blog, and see what my fellow crewmates had to say (Many of them actually had children in the target age range, so they may have some different insight for you).
Yes, you can actually replay the building of the music machine. When you click on the REPLAY button then click on lesson 20, then click on the music building part you want. You can click on any other lesson but then it will only allow you to choose a building bit that you have on or before that lesson. At first I thought you couldn't do it either but you can.
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you for that information! We'll have to check that out now! :)