Hey kids, pull up a chair~ we're going on a few trips, and we don't even have to put gas in the car, or buy a plane ticket! :)
Each Field Trip includes "virtual" 360° panoramic views of a real location, with the ability to zoom in and scan around. There are "Field notes" included(See right side of the image below), with clickable blue links that expand on what is written in the notes or seen on the screen. When we clicked on "Coyotes" in the notes, the scene on the screen rotated to bring a coyote into view. Click on the coyote in the photo, and a "reference" page opened up. These pages often include a video, more photos, and information about the particular subject. While my oldest enjoyed most of the material, she opted not to watch the video of a wolf catching it's prey, my middlest wasn't bothered in the least. My littlest was happy to sit on a lap and watch the 360° "locations". ~ Something for everyone! Almost every word included in the text on the screen is "Defined" and even pronounced if you like.That's just amazing to me... what a lot of work went into these!
The field trips were produced with a high school audience in mind, but if you have a multi-age homeschool, you may find that there is something of interest for everyone. While my oldest enjoyed most of the material, she opted not to watch the video of a wolf catching it's prey, my middlest wasn't bothered in the least. My littlest was happy to sit on a lap and watch the 360° "locations". Note~ Almost every word included in the text on the screen is "Defined" and even pronounced if you like.That's just amazing to me... what a lot of work went into these!
Diversity of Life
- Plant and Animal Structure and Function
- Animal Comparisons and Adaptations
- Plant Comparisons and Adaptations
- Animal dependencies (food, shelter, nesting, pollination, dispersal)
- Biodiversity
- Habitat changes: harmful or beneficial
- Interactions/relationships (eg. producer/consumer, predator/prey)
- Food: building materials, energy/fuel
- Food: photosynthesis
- Food: breakdown for energy & materials
- Energy: food energy from plants
- Human impact reduces fertility of land
In addition to the panoramic photography, reference materials and videos included in each field trip, there are a variety of activities and worksheets (With "teacher notes/answers") for each field trip.
The nitty gritty on this resource: Home Licenses come in a variety of options:
$60/individual Field Trip
$125 for the 3 DVD Series that we reviewed (on one computer)
$135 for for 3 DVD Series (on up to 3 computers)
There are other pricing options for co-op use, and "bundle" prices that might be worth looking at if you're planning to purchase any of their other software. Click here for those details.
If you would like to research these field trips a little more, you are invited to download limited "Demos" of the Digital Frog Software. You can also read the opinions of my fellow TOS Crewmates by visiting the TOS Crew Blog.
As always, I hope that this review provided some useful information for you regarding the Digital Frog Field Trips, and will help you plan where best to spend your homeschool budget.
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