Dragon Seed offers a glimpse of what spiritual warfare might look like in both Biblical and Modern times with a story that moves between both eras, touching on the life of a semi-rebellious teen in today's world, and offering a "could-have-happened-this-way" fictional account of the demon-possessed men of the Gadarenes.
I have found myself talking about this story with teens in the past week or two, even though I read it a few weeks ago. It's a story that sticks with you, while creating a memorable "picture" of the principalities and powers with whom we wrestle.
The Bible Study at the back of the book offers the opportunity for some good conversations about pride and desire, how they seldom reap anything but trouble, and that humility and servanthood are the mark of true greatness. Not a message most teens want to hear, but the sooner they realize it is truth, the sooner they have the opportunity to become competent leaders in a world that is seriously lacking, and learn to be on the winning side of good vs. evil.
From the publisher~
An angry teen, a desperate mother, a missing father, and a shadow lurking in the background.
This page-turning, young adult fiction story invites older children and teens into the real-life struggles of Nick. But it also ushers them into an imaginative exploration of the life of the young man Jesus saved as he wandered through the tombs. Best-selling author Marty Machowski uses both stories to introduce the reality of spiritual warfare and how its shadows affect and change us.
Machowski, a trusted teacher for children of all ages, presents a thoroughly biblical view of spiritual warfare that emphasizes the importance of humility and dangers of pride. Teens will be drawn to the story of Nick and his struggles and will learn, as they read, to also identify the shadows in their own life and turn from them. While the biblical teaching is evident throughout the narrative of Dragon Seed, Machowski also includes a twelve-lesson Bible study at the end of the book to help teens ground their understanding of spiritual warfare on biblical principles.
Youth pastors, leaders, and parents will also want to explore with teens the small group study at the end of the book with its unique take on spiritual warfare that emphasizes the biblical theme of humility. This is a perfect book to read with a group and discuss together the implications of Nick's struggles for their lives.
Marty Machowski is the Family Life Pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, where he has served on the pastoral staff for over 25 years. Marty leads Promise Kingdom, the children's ministry of Covenant Fellowship. He is the author of a systematic theology for children entitled "The Ology," "Long Story Short," "Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God," "The Gospel Story Sunday School Curriculum" and the companion "Gospel Story Children's Bible." He and his wife, Lois, and their six children reside in West Chester, Pennsylvania area.
Find out more about Marty at martymachowski.com and connect with him on Twitter, as well as visit his page on Litfuse Publicity's site to learn more and read other reviews.
If you're looking for a gripping read for your teen this summer, or you are looking for an interesting book/Bible study for your teen group or book club, take a look at Dragon Seed.
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