I've run across a couple of specials that I thought I would share with you!
First up~ for a limited time (This offer is for today the 13th, and the 14th)
FreeCCM is offering a Newsboys track from their new album, due to hit the streets in March. You may have heard "Guilty" playing on the radio (I did for the first time tonight). Now you can download "Crazy" (Download Newsboys "Crazy" from FreeCCM)

You might want to download the Big Mama Planner (with over 800 pages), the High School Planner, the Intermediate Planner, the Primary Planner, or the Special Learners Planner.
Of course, all of the planners are free to download all of the time for SchoolhouseTeachers members. This in addition to over 200 courses created by some of the best of the best in the homeschool community, and other resources useful for all ages, including a streaming media library with over 10,000 videos. If you're interested, the TOS Review Crew has a special for our readers... For New Members only, purchase your first yearly membership using the code CREWFOLLOWER for 50% off!
And just for laughs, enjoy this clip my friend Marcy shared today~ how NOT to use the Thesaurus... (nothing objectionable in this clip)