Besides, what better time of year to declare the Good News,
the Advent of the Light of the World,
than near the darkest days of the year...
A time to look forward to with great
With that in mind, and in the effort to try to help you save some pennies (and possibly earn a few myself, if you are so kind as to shop through my affiliate links below), I will be posting a few Holiday Gift Round Up posts as I see deals and bargains that I think are interesting. Most of these will be from Amazon, and prices *do* tend to change rather quickly and without notice there, so be sure to check the price before you put an item in your cart. The prices I have listed are current as of the time posted.
Joanna Basford, one of the main artists involved in the "Adult Coloring Book" craze has her books on sale at the moment... These are a great option for those who are looking for intricate detail with a leless of a "Zen" focus...$19.79 (49% off) |
$36.97(57% off) |
for the artist who is really serious
about shading and blending....
about shading and blending....
$61.15 (46% off) |
$3.69 |
If someone loves, or wants to try their hand at watercolor painting, I can recommend this larger set of Prang watercolors:
$7.99 (27% off) |
$4.54 for 36 colors |
$10.00 |
$6.74 (50% off)
Lots of interesting products to consider for the art-lover (either yourself or someone you love) :)
I hope this was helpful/useful to you. Please do let me know in the comments if this type of post is something you appreciate.
This is a present that I would love to give, and have myself. Great ideas, thanks!