DOLCH words are the 220 most frequently used words in the English language, many of which cannot be easily sounded out. Edward William Dolch PhD created this list in 1948, and it has been used by educators ever since to help children memorize these words. has a bunch of online games and printables. This could be a good site for those whose children enjoy computer generated activities.

Jan Brett has some pretty flashcards on her site~ not individual flashcards for each word, but "sets" of flashcards... While you're there you might want to take time to explore her huge site~ I love the alphabet and math flash cards and games. There are coloring pictures, and resources for putting on plays based on her books, and MANY more resources!
Dolch Word List Resources from k12 ~ this site has a bunch of printables to use if your child thrives on worksheets.
This site has some great printables for hands-on activities Activities for Sight Words Some of the activities are super for the Kinesthetic learners amongst us~ with games that revolve around throwing beanbags, card games and more. There are free samples for most games, and the complete activities are available for download. I like some of the ideas found here. has a "Dolch Kit" with many printables for practice and play. The kit looks fairly comprehensive, with flashcards, BINGO, and many other games to play, as well as "Record-keeping" and a Student practice book.
I hope these will be helpful to someone~ I'd love it if you leave a comment letting me know if you find these sorts of posts useful. :)