Getting a little bit of a late start, but hoping to make it through the entire series for a change (Of course, comments on my posts will encourage me to keep going, and keep me accountable... hint, hint :) )
A is for Autumn ~
Youngest and I went on a "leaf walk" last week~ we found an amazing number of different leaves~ and thus was born an art project~ Just look at that incredible variety of leaves!
Youngest traced around his with crayon, filled in the white spaces, and then water-colored the insides. Turned out quite well, I think.
I had hoped to have him use oil pastels and watercolors, like this sample I made, but it was a little too tricky for him~ he was afraid he would tear the leaves. I should have been more careful with my watercoloring, but I thought I'd have more time to do another before my leaves dried up... nope!
(Note: The pictures of the books are clickable affiliate links to Amazon~ I appreciate your support)

If you want a fantastic story to read to your 4-8 year old, that relates to carving pumpkins, with an amazing picture of God's love and grace~ This is it! Now available on Kindle, in addition to hardcover and boardbook.

One of my very favorite Autumn poems, illustrated for reading. A delightful way to introduce the classic work of James Whitcomb Riley to your elementary-aged children. I like to pull this one out to read when we have our first hard frost.

This is a beautiful book!
It appears to be out of print, but you can still pick up used copies, or hopefully borrow it from your library. I'm glad that I own a copy...

Here's a possible stand-in for Autumn Leaves~ it looks lovely as well. I just discovered it, so don't own it myself, but it's on my short-list of Autumn books to check out.
Here's another I don't own yet, but I have the Summer version, and it is lovely! There are Acrostics for each letter of the alphabet. For instance:
Blankets and Umbrellas
Endless miles of sand
And the
Hum of wind and waves
Getting ready for Thanksgiving means pulling out one of my favorite Five In A Row titles...
A story of kindness and compassion, mixed in with a tiny bit of "elementary" mystery, ie don't judge a book by its cover. (I'll share more "Thanksgiving" books next week)
For a middle school read~ this isn't specifically "Autumn" but it has that "feel" about it. I think this is one of the best books, that doesn't deserve to live in obscurity... A lovely read about growth, love, and coming to terms with this thing we call life.
Canvas? (Well, officially just pictures, but it will work for "C" won't it?)
Acorns found underwater
Impressionistic reflections
And more trees, sky and water