Hey, kids (And moms)!
Summer is flying by quickly and school will be upon us before we know it. Master Lock has challenged me to list a few back-to-school survival tips, so here they are:
- Make sure you stock up on essential school supplies and gear while the sales are happening (many stores like Staples, CVS and Walgreens have already started their weekly deals).
- Contemplate coming up with a monthly (Or even weekly) menu plan to help organize your meals. I have found that when I have a plan the week runs much more smoothly.
- Discuss the goals you have for the year with your children. When everyone is on the same page, and working towards a common goal "Schoolwork" is more productive. Show them that there is a return on their "investment" in learning.
- Pick up some sort of planner to make sure that important days/dates/assignments don't get forgotten.
- As a homeschooling parent, one of the things I try to instill in my children is a love of learning. Regardless of what your child's school situation is, the love of learning is certainly something that can be fostered at home, and encouraged by parents.
- Be an example~ take a class yourself, pick up a good book and read, do some research on the internet about something that interests you. If your children see YOU enjoying learning, they will naturally pick that habit up. :)
You can also enter Master Lock sweepstakes(With prizes like school supplies, an ipad, and bank gift cards to name a few) and find more information about their back-to-school video series , as well as the newest and coolest Master Lock back-to-school accessories, http://mwne.ws/pELmnK.