I have used the free version of VocabularySpelling City in the past to help my children practice their spelling lists, particularly when their spelling books have gone "missing" for reasons that are yet unknown {rolling eyes}, or when trying out a new spelling curriculum that lacked some of the more interesting activities. This is also one of my "most recommended" resources in one-to-one conversations with homeschoolers, so I was pleased to be included in the group of TOS Review Crew members who received a one year premium subscription ($29.99 value) for the purpose of review.
My kids enjoy spelling in general, but they really like the "Games" that go along with spelling. VocabularySpellingCity has "traditional" spelling games (hangmouse, unscramble, wordsearch, match the sentences), as well as sentence unscrambles and interactive "Teach" and Test" features. These are all free!
Here is a list of the activities grouped under "Free" and "Premium"

I enjoyed being able to target problem areas and look up published lists. Homonyms, for instance, can be an issue, as is obvious when one considers the number of there/their/they're and your/you're mistakes one sees published. In order to help my Middlest with these troublesome words, I assigned him to practice some of the lists. While he was bopping around on the site he decided to check out the SAT tests, which I thought was rather cool since he's only 11. I was disappointed that he received this message : "The list you are on does not belong to any of your teachers. VocabularySpellingCity will only store activity results for lists that belong to one of your teachers." I would really like to have ANY activity that a student works on show up under their "Activities" tab, so that credit can be given for work outside of the assignments.
The video below gives an overview of how VocabularySpellingCity works, for those who need a more visual, interactive introduction.
Although VocabularySpellingCity is listed as being for all ages, I was having a hard time finding activities that my 5 year old could handle, but everything works very well for my 11 and 15 year old (And even me!). This coming school year I plan to input my 7th grader's spelling words from his workbook for extra practice, and create some spelling lists for my 10th grader using Spelling Power lists, as well as having her work on some SAT vocabulary.
Not So Nutty Nitty Gritty
- Company: VocabularySpellingCITY
- Product: Yearly subscription to Premium online game-based study of literacy skills using any word list
- Ages: Elementary, Middle, and High School
- Price: $29.99/year for up to 5 students
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