My Middlest got a review of his own to enjoy~ Geography I by Memoria Press , a pack of 5 softcover books~ a Teacher Guide (mostly an answer key), a Student Text and a Student Workbook that cover The Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. Included as a bonus are The United States Student Text and Teacher Key (Which we did not use for this review, but based on response, are likely to use!).
Middlest enjoyed the format of the Student Text~ which is really an "Introduction to Geography" that can be used with children from 4th grade on up.
You can download the table of contents from the Geography I page along with some samples (I'm including screenshots of a couple, to give you an idea of what it looks like inside).
It includes "the facts" that I remember from my geography lessons as a child
- Location (Up close on a map on the facing page)
- Capital City
- Major Cities
- Language
- Population
- Religion
- Landforms
- Bodies of Water
- Climate
- Resources (My Middlest's favorite fun fact)
- Flag
But that isn't all!

History's Headlines gives an overview of some of
the more important historical facts for each country. This is a feature that *I* particularly appreciate. My son thought it was pretty neat to read this, right alongside the
Tour of Today, which gives a glimpse into the current condition/climate (Political and social, both).
One of his favorite features, is that he wasn't required to spend a vast amount of time on each country (Just an introduction, remember), but he felt that he gained a fair amount of knowledge for the time invested. He was surprised to learn about the terrain of countries that he had regularly heard mentioned (like Iraq and Afghanistan), as he had a different picture in his head of what they looked like.

To sum up his opinion, he said that this is one of those things (that I am not requiring) that he wants to work on through the summer and finish, because it is fun, and he enjoys learning about different parts of the world.
I think that this would be a great addition to any homeschool that hasn't really covered a lot of geography, as it give a solid (in my opinion) introduction, and can be the beginning of a life-long interest in the world beyond our small corner.
Not So Nutty Nitty Gritty
- Company: Memoria Press
- Product: Geography I
- Ages: 4th-8th grade
- Price: $48 for all 5 books (Also available for individual purchase)
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